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Published Games

Cinematic Galaxy



 This project was created while in the GameDevHQ apprenticeship program.  Some of the main concepts that I focused on were using Unity's  Cinemachine and Timeline to create a visual story through cutscenes.  

  • Cinematic Galaxy (Released in 2024)

  • Description: This beautiful view of the celestial giant Jupiter is accompanied with interactive cameras and a cinematic sequence of a spaceship.

  • Technologies Used: Unity, C#, and GameDevHQ's Filebase.

  • My role: This was a solo project, and all programming was done by me.  I used assets provided by GameDevHQ

  • Outcomes/Achievements: I am pleased with the cinematic sequence and post processing on the sequence as well as the cutscenes.


2D Space Shooter

Screenshot of Galaxy Shooter Game
Player avoids negative pickup.


 This project was created while in the GameDevHQ apprenticeship program.  Some of the main concepts that I focused on were Prototyping and Production and Version Control using Git as well familiarization with the Unity Engine and C#.

  • 2D Galaxy Space Shooter (Released in 2023)

  • Description: Survive wave after wave until you reach the Boss.

  • Technologies Used: Unity, C#, Photoshop, and GameDevHQ's Filebase.

  • My role: This was a solo project, and all work was done by me.

  • Outcomes/Achievements: I gained knowledge of the game development process as far as starting with a small scope and keeping the minimal viable product functional at all times and the importance of version control.

GameDevHQ Community Jam #4.
Landing Page - Purge System by Alexandr Tolson


 2D Corporate Espionage: 


  • Purge System (Released in 2022)

  • Description: Infiltrate as an Airware Employee in CyberSpace

  • Technologies Used: Unity, C#, Photoshop, Pixel Art Assets by LimeZu

  • My role: This was a solo project, and all programming and planning was done by me.

  • Outcomes/Achievements: I had hardware issues and was able to complete the project in 2 weeks' time despite the setbacks.  I learned a valuable lesson about the UI canvas and scaling with screen size as the game needs to be played in full screen to see all the instructions.

Player downloads information

Historically Accurate Game Jam #7



This puzzle is designed to help the player understand the choices Caesar had to make in this seemingly impossible situation.  He had his troops build a wall around the city he was besieging.  But upon learning about reinforcement troops and their arrival, he has troops build a second, larger wall around him and his men, trapping him between the reinforcements and the besieged city.

  • Caesar: Revolt in Gaul (Released in 2023)

  • Description: Play as Caesar who gets besieged as he is besieging Alesia

  • Technologies Used: Unity & C#

  • My role: This project was completed with a team.  I was 1 of 2 programmers. I created the parallax effect and implemented the gameplay mechanics.

  • Outcomes/Achievements: Communication was vital between me, the team lead, writer and artists.  It was a wonderful experience, and I am pleased with the outcome.  The time frame for completion was 2 weeks.



This is from my first Game jam in 2020.  I worked with a team.  The theme of the jam was 'A New Beginning' and aptly named, I was just taking off on my software development journey.

  • Reversion (Released in 2020).

  • Description: You've just awoken from a stasis chamber.  Find your way to the surface!

  • Technologies Used: Unity & C#

  • My role: This project was completed with a team.  I was one of two programmers for the game.  I programmed the pause menu, the sound, the character movement and level.

  • Outcomes/Achievements: Communication was vital between me, the team lead, writer and artists.  It was a wonderful experience, and I am pleased with the outcome.  The time frame for completion was 2 weeks.

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